السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الأربعاء، 9 مارس 2011

Why I Chose Islam (Based on a True Story)I

O seeker of truth, if you really seek the truth put aside all preconceived notions, and open your heart…do not let others judge or make a decision for you. This being said, I would like to share with you this beautiful account of a man’s journey to the truth…I believe it be best if he narrates his account to us himself, so I will leave you with Mr. Thomas…

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious
I was born to staunch Catholic Christian parents. Even from my youngest days, my father sometimes took me along with him when he went to preach, it was quite ob‐vious that he wanted me to succeed him in his profes‐sion. By the time I reached grade twelve, I could preach the Gospels in my own way. In college, I often met my Protestant classmates and discussed the differences in our faiths and the performance of rituals.
By the time I completed the first year in college, I was sufficiently grounded in the knowledge of the Christian Faith as held by the Catholic Church. I was given a schol‐arship from the Church funds and in return for the help I received, I was required to receive special coaching in understanding parts of the Holy Book, under the Chief Priest of the Church who loved to teach me very much and was very intimately attached to me.
Having appeared in the first group for my intermediate course I used to sit working at his subjects till late at night. One night when all were asleep and I was ab‐sorbed in my studies an idea suddenly struck my mind to examine the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the basic formula of the Christian Faith. The question how god ex‐
 ists in three persons, and yet has a single divine nature, a single will and be of one substance arose in my mind.
My failure to reconcile my belief in the Trinity with the reasoning of the science of logic, created a mental rest‐lessness in me. Days passed on and many a time, I thought of asking my father to help me in solving the problem which puzzled my mind but I knew that my fa‐ther would never appreciate the least doubt in the dog‐matic belief of the Catholic School. However, one day when I found my father in a happy mood and asked him to explain the Holy Trinity…he finally said:
“In matters of faith one has to stop reasoning…this doctrine is beyond the grasp of human reason. One should believe in the doctrine only by one’s heart and mind!”
This reply from my father upset me to a great ex‐tent…all my thinking got centered in the question which had become a definite problem to puzzle my mind fur‐ther and I wondered saying: “Is this the foundation upon which the huge edifice of the Christian faith is built? Is the basis of my faith only a matter of blind following of some dictated belief which can never stand reasoning or the independent scrutiny by the dispassionate and im‐partial arguments from the clean conscience?”
I became extremely worried and made up my mind to blindly believe in the Trinity.
One day one of our senior lecturers was sitting alone in his room and I entered with his permission and asked him if he could help me to solve something which to me was a perplexing problem. He very kindly asked me what it was. I asked him to explain to me how God, a single being, can exist simultaneously as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit?!
The senior lecturer smiled and said: “Is it that you do not like my stay in this college?” I asked him: “Why sir?” He said: “What do you think the college authorities who are staunch Catholics will do with me, if someone in‐forms them that I discuss in my private room things op‐posed to the Christian faith in general? Will they keep me on the staff of the College any longer? If you want to dis‐cuss anything here, you must confine your discussion to the subject of your studies in the College!”
Thereafter, I made an appointment with him to see him in his house.
On Sunday when I met the senior lecturer he first asked me as to what made me inquire into the Doctrine of Trin‐ity. I said that I wanted to know how far the doctrine stood to reasoning.
He smiled and said, “Why don’t you ask any one of our priests?”
I said: “I have asked them but they say it is a matter of belief or faith and it should not be subjected to any logic
or philosophy. This has upset me. This has raised the question in me, if what I believe in is unreasonable and illogical, why should I subject myself to any blind follow‐ing? Is God so unjust to expect man to believe in a doc‐trine about Himself which no human brain can ever rea‐sonably conceive? I request you, Sir, to somehow give me some method of arguing out the possibility of such exis‐tence as the doctrine of Trinity wants us to believe in!”
The senior lecturer smiled and said: ‘Dear Thomas, suppose you want me to prove by some mathematical formula how water can remain water and the same time be fire, or how a stone can be a stone and at the same time be water too, how can I do it? I do not think any sensible man on earth can ever conceive such a possibil‐ity…how the Ever living God who being the Ever living, can also at the same time be a mortal! (i.e. be a man to suffer death at the hands of the other mortals?) And how the same mortal being at the same time be the Absolute Immortal God? It is a problem which our priests want us to believe and we have to merely believe in it and none has any choice of even questioning the practicability of this inconceivable dogma.’
He went on saying: “The fact is when God, Whom we believe as One, is absolutely One, it means that God is singularly One in natural essence of His existence, free from any different or variant factors having anything to do with His pure or Absolute Unity to justify His being.........To read the book downloaded from here

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